We are an organization with investment and local infrastructure in the state of San Luis Potosí, we are focused on RF Internet links through the best devices in the LTU and AC line, achieving excellent latency which allows us to compare the service with fiber optics.
Our main bases incorporate fiber optic technology with a dedicated ISP, which is distributed by means of state-of-the-art radio waves.LTU and AC MIMO ISOwith improved RF immunity, which can reach divisions in which it is prohibited to install wired infrastructure.
We offer a stable service with RF quality, facilitating the connection between the client and the Internet adapted to each need.
Evolve together with our clients with each technological advance in RF networks.
Short-term goals achieved:
Provide quality and performance focused on the specific needs of the client in the subdivisions where we offer service.
Overcome RF quality and stability compared to our competition where we provide service.
Simplicity and convenience in the way customers make their payments online or physically.